2020 VBA Internship Program Resources

Internal Links Monica McDearmon

You will find all 2020 VBA Internship Program materials, resources and templates on this page. The interns will also be given a link to their own resource webpage for use throughout the summer. Please contact Monica McDearmon at 804-819-4743 with questions. 

Intern Registration Information

Banks are asked to register their interns by June 1, 2020. Please see the PDF below to complete the registration. Please note - you’ll need to copy pages 2 and 3 to register more than one intern for the program. Please contact Monica if you have any questions about this form.

2020 Intern Registration Form
2020 Intern Registration Form - Fillable

2020 Mentor Orientation

VBA Certificate of Completion Requirements

Interns participating in the VBA Internship Program will be eligible to receive the Certificate of Completion if they meet the following requirements. Mentors are asked to send the certificate checklist and all necessary documentation to Monica no later than August 31st.

Certificate Checklist - PDF
Certificate Checklist - Fillable PDF

  • Complete an ABA online training course (see below)
  • Participate in at least two of the virtual VBA events (Intern Orientation and at least one of the weekly Zoom meetings OR at least two of the weekly Zoom meetings)
  • Complete five out of nine Realworld modules (see below)
  • Involvement in a community support or volunteer opportunity (banks will determine specifics of this based on opportunities throughout the summer)
  • Complete the VBA Internship Program self-evaluation – an online survey will be sent to all interns directly from the VBA and survey responses will be shared with the host bank

ABA Online Course Information

Interns are required to complete an ABA online course to earn the VBA Certificate of Completion. 

ABA Course Options

Sample Banking Fundamental course schedules (four weeks, facilitated):

Weekly Zoom Meetings

The VBA will hold weekly Zoom meetings for all interns participating in the program. We hope this provides a platform for our interns to get to know one another, learn about the industry, and hear from banking professionals from across the Commonwealth.

These meetings will occur every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. starting June 25th and ending August 6th. There will not be a meeting on Thursday July 30th due to Bank School scheduling (so there will be six meetings). 

Meeting Schedule & Guest Speaker Information:

  • Thursday, June 25th – Business Etiquette & Other HR Best Practices
    Suzie Allen, VBA, and Jakeeta Plumley, Essex Bank
  • Thursday, July 2nd – VBA Emerging Bank Leaders Virtual Career Fair
  • Thursday, July 9th – Presentation from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
    John Nemish  and Robert Thompson, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
  • Thursday, July 16th – Interview with Genevieve Bellaire, Realworld Founder & CEO
  • Thursday, July 23rd – Recruiting, Interview Skills, Onboarding & Resume Tips
    Suzie Allen, VBA, and Justin Kimlel, Essex Bank
  • Thursday, August 6th – Capstone Project Discussions & Presentations


Interns are required to complete five out of the nine Realworld modules to earn the VBA Certificate of Completion. 


Evaluation Templates

Additional Learning Opportunities for Interns

capstone project

As an optional assignment, interns can complete a capstone project and/or presentation. This project will be completed by the intern throughout the summer and due by a date agreed upon by the bank and intern. Below are customizable guidelines, topic options, and blank topic form that you can complete if your bank wants the intern to focus on a topic not provided by the VBA. 

Virginia Bankers School of Bank Management

Due to the pandemic, the 2020 session of the Virginia Bankers School of Bank Management (Bank School) will be completely virtual the week of July 27-31. During the week, interns will have access to the virtual morning general sessions and also the opportunity to pick one virtual class to attend throughout the week. Please have your interns notify the VBA of their plans by Friday, July 17th by completing the form below.

Bank School Options - Fillable


Interns outside of the Richmond area can participate in this summer’s virtual YRichmond program. Through this program, interns will have access to five professional development virtual sessions and access to the YRichmond social communication platform. Topics for the professional development sessions include:

  • Succeeding in a Virtual Workspace
  • Self-Advocacy in the Workplace
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Service
  • Job Search Toolkit

2020 YRichmond Schedule

2020 YRichmond Pricing Guide

ChamberRVA Contacts:
Allison Pollock, CampusRVA Coordinator
Rachel Rodney, Program Manager, Young Professional Leadership & Engagement

Additional Resources for Mentors

Article: Challenges to Managing Virtual Teams

Article: How to Manage Remote Direct Reports

2020 ABA Community Bank CEO Priorities Report

This annual survey was release in early March 2020. Technology and improving digital experience were common themes in this year’s report, and CEOs said they would look to make improvements in two key areas: customer experience and back office operations. 

Acquiring new customers and recruiting and retaining talent topped the list of things keeping CEOs up at night. With respect to talent development, nearly half of respondents said they found it difficult or very difficult to recruit people with the skills they need to remain competitive, and many noted improvements to their compensation and benefits offerings in order to attract new talent.

Article: Why Mentorships [and Internships] are Invaluable for Community Banks - and the US Economy

Article: Your Virtual Banking Internship Could Be Better than a Real One

Program Contact Information

2020 Bank Contacts