2023 Management Development Program Resource Portal

Internal Links

Zoom & Session Links

Hotel Information

Sessions 1 & 2 for September 10-12 – Reservation deadline is September 1, 2023 
Homewood Suites Richmond-West End/Innsbrook

Sessions 3 & 4 for October 17-19 – Reservation deadline is September 17, 2023
Homewood Suites Richmond-West End/Innsbrook

Session 5 for November 13-15 – Reservation deadline is October 13, 2023
Homewood Suites Richmond-West End/Innsbrook

Participant/Instructor/Panelist/Staff Profiles

Click here to view MDP Profiles.

If you haven’t completed your profile, please click here.

Pre-Work and Post-Work Information

You will be assigned pre-work and post-work for each session of the VBA Management Development Program.  Pre-work assignments will be discussed during each session and should be brought with you to class. Post-work assignments should be submitted to Gail Queen by the due date unless you have been asked to something differently from your instructor and/or Andy and Walt.  Please read through all pre-work and post-work assignments outlined under each session header.  Some of the assignments will require you to meet with various colleagues in your bank.  Please make sure you plan ahead and schedule these meetings in coordination with your coworkers who are in the program with you (if applicable) so you can have your assignments complete on time.  This is especially important for your final meeting with your CEO/senior leader.  If you have a circumstance that will prevent you from completing an assignment on time, please email Gail Queen in advance to let her know.


If you would like to view the Orientation recording, please click here. The passcode is “z4$&P!Y.

Facilitators:  Andy Davies | Walt Lyons | Bruce Whitehurst 

Location:  Virtual/Zoom

September 6, 2023 -1:00pm to 3:00pm

In this orientation session, we will explain the learning outcomes for MDP, walk participants through the program format, review the pre- and post-work schedule and assignments, and facilitate an exercise to promote relationship building and networking. Participants will also hear from VBA President & CEO Bruce Whitehurst on his leadership philosophy, followed by a discussion on bank regulation, bank competition and the history of the VBA.

Session 1:  Introduction to Banking & Accounting & ALCO-Banking’s Universal Language

Instructors:  Andy Davies | Jay Stafford | Alex Vari

Location:  VBA Training Center

September 11, 2023 – 9:00am to 4:30pm 

The first session has a dual focus. First, an overview of the following topics: vision, core values, strategy, mission, peer group, deposit mix, loan mix, CAMELS rating system, risk management/risk oversight and basic concepts of effective leadership. Second, participants will gain an appreciation for accounting and apply the concepts learned to understanding their banks’ financial statements and key performance ratios. Participants will explore ALCO topics and grasp how different economic scenarios drive ALCO decisions. Participants will walk away more confident in the asset liability process plus so much more.

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Andy Davies’ Pre-Work

Session 1 Pre-Work (Davies)
Bring with you to class on September 11.

Alex Vari’s Pre-Work

Session 1 Pre-Work (Vari)
Bring with you to class on September 11.

session one Materials

Session One Agenda (updated 9/7/23)

Andy Davies’ class Materials

Session One PowerPoint Presentation (Davies)

Jay Stafford Class Materials

Session One PowerPoint Presentation (Stafford)

Alex Vari’s class Materials

Session One PowerPoint Presentation (Vari)  Updated 9/11/23

NIM WorksheetPrint this out and bring with you to the session.


Session One Survey is closed.

Session 2:   Insights® Discovery: Learning Your Personal Leadership Style

Instructor:  John Sarvay

Location:  VBA Training Center

September 12, 2023 – 9:00am to 4:30pm

Good working relationships: we need them to sustain an organization, foster employee engagement and a healthy culture, and drive results. Insights® is a tool that helps you start, sustain, and grow in those crucial relationships by promoting self-awareness. By helping individuals deepen their sense of self – and their approach to work – Insights® helps to improve communication, decision making, performance, and understanding of one’s leadership styles. Through understanding your own preferences for engagement, decision making, and taking information in, Insights® helps you understand how others may experience you at work, how to appreciate different styles, and how to adapt your preferences when needed.

During Session Two, we will cover:

  1. The importance of self-awareness and perception in the workplace.
  2. The Insights® Discovery tool and the language of colors to define preferences.
  3. An overview of your individual profile and your personal color preferences.
  4. Action plans to put new awareness and commitments into practice at work.

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John Sarvary’s Pre-Work

Session 2 Pre-Work (Sarvay)
Complete all of the steps by September 8. (updated)

Step One: Review the Objectives (watch video)
Step Two: Take the Insights Assessment (see link)

session two Materials

Session Two PowerPoint Presentation (Sarvay)  updated 9-13-23


Session Two Survey is closed. 

Session 3:  Digital Banking & The Modern Bank Marketing Department

Instructor:  Hunter Young

Location:  VBA Training Center

October 18, 2023 – 9:00am to 4:30pm

For decades, bank marketing was limited to quarterly campaigns and arranging the next customer appreciation day at the local branch. But progressive banks are changing how marketing becomes a center force for changing your customers’ experience, the financial products you offer, technology decisions you make, and the channels through which you serve your clients’ needs. This session will take you through four key tenets of a modern bank marketing department: brand communication, digital marketing, data analytics, and experiential product and service development. Below are some of the topics of this session:

  • Brand communication
  • Digital marketing
  • Data analytics
  • Experiential product and service development
  • Fintech
  • Macro pressures facing banks in digital arena
  • Blockchain
  • New payment systems

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Hunter Young’s Pre-Work

Click here to complete pre-work (survey).
Due by October 13, 2023 (updated)

Session Three Materials

Hunter Young’s Class Materials

Session Three PowerPoint Presentation (Young)


Session Three Survey is closed.

Session 4:  From the CEO Seat – Defining Moments in our Professional Development Journey

Instructor:  Vicki Kraai

Location:  VBA Training Center

October 19, 2023 - 9:00pm to 4:30pm

Session three is designed to provide participants with some insight into leading and managing a bank – from the seat of a president/CEO focusing on the broad spectrum of the key fundamental areas of managing the customer experience, leading a team for success, and insight into the lending role within the bank. This session will be very interactive and will incorporate small group activities, case studies and roundtable discussion. Below are some of the focus areas of this session:

Customer Experience Management

  • Current economic landscape
  • History of regulations vs. customer perception
  • Professional maturity
  • Ordinary vs. extraordinary experience

Lending Portfolio Management

  • Understand the impact the lending area has on bank earnings
  • Understand the factors involved in a credit decision
  • Review the components of managing a loan portfolio

Leadership Development

  • Managing in a new era
  • Ethical leadership
  • Emotionally intelligent leadership
  • Visiting our values
  • Knowing our why

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Vicki Kraai’s Pre-Work

Click here to complete pre-work.
Due by October 13, 2023.

session four Materials

Session Four Outline (Kraai)

In-Person Shop

Phone Shop

Lending Case Study

Credit Report Training Guide

Visit Your Values   updated 10/17/23

Ideal Team Player Assessment


Session Four Survey is closed.

Virtual Mini-Session: Bank Compliance

Instructor:  Julia Gutierrez

Click here to read  Julia’s bio.

Location:  Virtual/Zoom

October 25, 2023 – 2:00pm to 3:30pm


If you would like to view the Bank Compliance recording, please click here. The passcode is “$x@^1G2R

Virtual Mini-Session Materials

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Virtual Mini Session-Bank Compliance PowerPoint Presentation (Gutierrez)


Virtual Mini-Session Survey is closed.

Virtual Mini-Session:  Community Development/CRA & Community Engagement/Networking 101

Instructor:  Nathalia Artus

Click here to read Nathalia’s “Career Highlights”

Location:  Virtual/Zoom

November 2, 2023 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

  • Bankers and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): Drivers of Opportunity for Thriving Communities. This portion will cover the banking industry’s meaningful work strengthening communities, and the participants will explore how community engagement impacts their careers and goals. 
  • Innovative Ways to Connect and Engage with Individuals, Businesses and Communities. This portion will cover the connection opportunities that can influence and impact professional goals.

If you would like to view the CRA & Networking recordings, please click below.

Please click here for part 1. The passcode is $x@^1G2R.

Please click here for part 2. The passcode is *2smYh4?.

virtual mini-session Materials

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Virtual Mini-Session-CRA PowerPoint Presentation (Artus)

Virtual Mini-Session-Networking PowerPoint Presentation (Artus)


Virtual Mini-Session Survey is closed.

Session 5, Part 1:  Digital Banking, Intro to Strategic Planning, & Perspectives on Career Development

Instructors:  Andy Davies | Tom Rasey |  Sherri Sackett | DJ Seeterlin

Location:  VBA Training Center

Career Highlights-Guest Instructors

DJ Seeterlin

Tom Rasey

Sherri Sackett

Part One: November 14, 2023 – 9:00am to 4:30pm

During part one of session five, participants will gain an understanding of why strategic planning is important to regulators, management and the bank’s board of directors. Participants will work together with two facilitators to create a sample table of contents of a community bank three-year plan to demonstrate the process and the importance of having a plan to steer the bank forward. Participants will also learn how to enhance their careers by taking active roles within the banking industry and within their communities.

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Session five, part 1 Materials

Session Five, Part One Agenda  updated 10/30/23

Session Five, Day One PowerPoint Presentation (Seeterlin)

Session Five PowerPoint Presentation (Davies)


First Coastal Bank Strategic Plan

Session Five, Day One PowerPoint Presentation (Rasey)

Session Five, Day One PowerPoint Presentation (Sackett)

Session 5, Part 2:  Advocacy & Industry Engagement Beyond MDP

Part two of session five will kick off with a timely overview of the current Virginia General Assembly session and the importance of banker advocacy. Participants will then hear from a Virginia bank retail executive on developing an understanding of the importance of building valued relationships among your peers within the bank. Following a session on career development from the c-suite, participants will participate in a special conversation led by senior bankers with the theme of “Leadership and Management in a New Era.” The session will close with:

  • Overview of the VBA’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives
  • Staying connected with the VBA and industry through the VBA’s Emerging Bank Leaders program
  • How to leverage your MDP class network
  • A recap of the advocacy discussion from session one and the networking discussion from the virtual mini-session, followed by some time for VBA Banker Day prep

Speakers:  Matt Bruning | Andy Davies | Cody Florence | Jennifer Huffman | Chandler Owdom | Sherri Sackett | Kristen Reid

Senior Bank Leadership  Conversation Participants:  Eric Floyd | Adam Hill | Jennifer Huffman | Tom Rasey

Location:  VBA Training Center

Career Highlights-Guest Instructors

Matt Bruning

Tom Rasey

Cody Florence

Chandler Owdom

Jennifer Huffman

Adam Hill

Eric Floyd

Megan Darmanin

Part Two: November 15, 2023 – 9:00am to 3:00pm

Session Five, Part 2 Materials

Session Five, Part Two Agenda  updated 10/30/23

Session Five, Day Two PowerPoint Presentation (Florence)

Session Five, Day Two PowerPoint Presentation (Darmanin)


Please complete both surveys below at the end of the session.

Session Five Survey 

Full Program Survey 

Graduation & Additional Information About Session Five 

Graduation Date:  November 15, 2023 | 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Details coming soon!

The dress code for the ceremony is business attire.

EBL Sign-Up and Event Information

Sign up for the VBA Emerging Bank Leaders here. With questions, please contact Chandler Owdom and click here for more information on the group.

EBL Members are encouraged to attend the Pre-Banker Day Reception on January 11th from 5:30-6:30pm at the Corner Rapids Bar in the Richmond Marriott Downtown. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend the reception. Please also join your fellow EBL members for a Pre-Banker Day Dinner on January 11th at 7:00pm at Lillie Pearl. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend the dinner.

Additional Resources/Articles From Andy Davies

VBA Publications & Resources

Coming Soon!