VBA Endorsed Provider Toolkit

Post Matt Bruning Amy Binns

The following information outlines the process of becoming a VBA Endorsed Provider which begins with VBA membership – a prerequisite of endorsement consideration. As a member, you receive valuable discounts and invaluable banker engagement opportunities through our various programs. 

What does becoming an Endorsed Provider of the Virginia Bankers Association mean? 

Since 1893, the VBA has been dedicated to partnering with companies that can provide our member banks with quality products and services which help with bank operational efficiencies in saving time, money and resources. With the guidance of the VBA Management Services, Inc.(MSI) Board of Directors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Virginia Bankers Association, the VBA completes a stringent, ongoing due diligence review of each endorsed provider to ensure that we are offering high value, dependable solutions that our members can count on.

Included in the VBA Endorsed Provider Toolkit:

  • Endorsement Benefits
  • Annual Marketing Opportunities
  • List of Qualities Desired by Member Banks/Vendors
  • Endorsed Provider Requirements
  • Application Process
  • Marketing Launch Plan
  • Endorsed Provider Questionnaire

If you feel that a VBA endorsement is the right fit for your company, we welcome your questionnaire submission. 

View the Endorsed Provider Toolkit and Questionnaire here!