Affordable Housing Programs & Contacts
Resource Portal

Internal Links Matt Bruning Henry Watkins

This portal provides VBA member banks with resources and contacts to increase their work with and engagement in the funding and development of affordable housing in their communities.

Virginia Government Programs

Virginia Housing

Virginia Housing (formerly Virginia Housing Development Authority), is a self-supporting organization created by the General Assembly in 1972 to help Virginians attain affordable housing. 

Contact or refer an individual to Virginia Housing for:

Questions? Contact the Virginia Housing team, or reach out to the VBA Government Relations team for an introduction.

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is a state agency providing financing and programmatic support for affordable housing and community and economic development initiatives.

Contact or refer an individual to DHCD for:

Questions? Contact the DHCD team, or reach out to the VBA Government Relations team for an introduction.

Federal Programs

Statewide and Regional Nonprofit and Community Housing Providers

Utilize the below resources to refer clients to housing providers and build partnerships between your organization and housing providers in your community.

  • Habitat for Humanity constructs homes through volunteer labor and provides mortgages for single-family homes for low-income households.
  • Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Virginia provides loans, grants, and equity investments to develop affordable housing and grow small businesses in underserved communities.
  • The Virginia CDFI Coalition serves as a collective voice to address issues concerning the unmet financial needs of Virginia communities by advocating for greater awareness of community development financial institutions (CDFI) activities and operations.
  • Virginia Community Development Fund provides alternative financing and technical assistance to real estate developers engaged in the creation or preservation of affordable housing.



Eastern Shore


Hampton Roads

Northern Virginia



Roanoke Valley

Shenandoah Valley

Southwest Virginia

VBA Partners & Endorsed Providers

The VBA works with other advocacy, education, and trade groups to further our strategic plan priority of facilitating opportunities for member banks to connect with programs in affordable housing. Learn more about them, and VBA Endorsed Providers who can assist your bank in affordable housing projects, below.

VBA Partners
VBA Endorsed Providers
  • VCDC: the only Virginia-based tax credit equity fund, VCDC has invested more than $675 million to help finance more than 9,000 affordable housing units in over 225 different communities in Virginia and its adjoining states.

Banks’ Impact on Affordable Housing, Trainings and Other Resources

This section includes articles, training, and industry spotlights on programs banks are successfully implementing to increase affordable housing in their communities.

  • FreddieMac training series for loan officers, mortgage brokers, and housing professionals who want to close the homeownership gap for minority borrowers.
Other Industry Spotlights & Resources:

American Bankers Association Resources

  • The American Bankers Association’s American Housing Month Portal provides tools for bankers interested in expanding their work in affordable housing, as well as products and services related to mortgages, and consumer resources. 
  • Unlocking Homeownership: Empowering Communities Through Housing Education - This industry-wide housing campaign calls on banks of all sizes to marshal available resources, talent, and capabilities to help increase homeownership education and counseling, so everyone can achieve the dream of owning a home.
  • Affordable Housing Resources - This webpage is a comprehensive resource designed to equip bankers with the tools and knowledge they need to invest in affordable housing solutions locally throughout the year.